- Complete all blanks. Some questions require “yes,” “no,” or “none” answers. Do not answer with “NA” or “see resume.” If you are interviewed, you will be required to provide proof of photo identification.
- List ALL of your employers in chronological order beginning with the most recent. Include all full-time, part time, summer, and temporary employment, along with periods of unemployment and continuing education. Leave no gaps longer than a one-month period. Do not indicate “see resume.”
- Please be sure to complete the entire application.
INSTRUCTIONS (Please read before completing the application) Thank you for your interest in employment at W Harris GSC. If you meet the minimum qualifications for positions that are currently available, your application will be circulated to the appropriate department(s) for review. If there is an interest in your qualifications, we will contact you to arrange an interview.
Please right click on the image to the right and save the PDF to your desktop in order to fill out and save your information.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to fill in the fields.
Please download Adobe for FREE here.
Once you have filled out the application and typed your name as your signature, you will then need to save the application with your reponses to your desktop.
Then please return to this page and submit the quick form below, uploading your new completed pdf using the field below and submit your application.
Please follow the directions below when completing your application; incomplete applications cannot be processed.